Silent No More: Empowering Young People to Speak Out about Sexual & Reproductive Health and Rights

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When the Action Project first started working in Uttar Pradesh and Manipur, the shyness displayed by young people when speaking about subjects considered taboo—including their sexual & reproductive health and rights (SRHR)—were obvious to the Action Project team. This proved to be a dilemma since vocal and outspoken discussions regarding these issues was exactly what the project’s team members wanted these young people to participate in.
Given that child marriages were a common occurrence, following which young girls were pressured to start having children, discussing issues such as family planning, contraception or HIV prevention was critical to reversing this trend.  The Action Project slowly started discussing issues related to SRHR with young people and soon saw a gradual change in their understanding of and confidence in speaking out about these subjects.
Now, Action Project members say that there is a stark difference in the confidence levels of youth members as compared to when the project was first initiated. Young people are now more able and willing to discuss topics related to their SRHR and have increased knowledge on prevention, HIV, safer sex and condom use, and are better prepared to access health services.  Peer leaders report mentoring other youth group members who have felt pressured to get married early or to have sex by their partners.
Additionally, the new found confidence and respect experienced by youth group members have allowed them to raise their concerns with the pradhan (village council leader) and other village government officials who have started to pay attention and have responded to their suggestions on village development. Female youth group members have also reported a reduction in their experience of gender discrimination. Young peer leaders in Uttar Pradesh have even been selected by a radio programme sponsored by the Directorate of Information and Broadcasting to talk about SRHR on the show. These are changes that youth group members have catalyzed through their engagement with the Action Project. Silent no more, they now speak up and make their claim for a better tomorrow in their communities.


The Action Project is funded by the European Commission and endeavours to strengthen and empower civil society organisations and youth groups to advocate for more responsive policies addressing the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of young people. The project focuses on the most marginalised young people—MSM and transgender community members, drug users, sex workers and those living with HIV. The project is being implemented in partnership with MAMTA and SASO in India and by HASAB in Bangladesh.  By 2013, the Action Project will have contributed to shaping SRHR policies and their implementation in India and Bangladesh by supporting the meaningful participation of young people in relevant processes and programmes.

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