New computerized information system strengthens groundbreaking HIV prevention efforts for MSM and transgenders

New Delhi: To support its ambitious HIV prevention efforts with men who have sex with men (MSM), transgenders and hijras across India, the Pehchān programme launched a new Computerized Management Information System (CMIS) on 15th December at a national meeting in New Delhi. Reflecting a concerted effort to develop data management software that is efficient, easy-to-use, and cost-effective, the new system is designed to work at the national, state and community levels and will enable Pehchān to closely monitor and manage its performance.

Initiated in 2010, Pehchān is an ambitious Global Fund programme that recently completed its first year. By 2015, it will reach 450,000 MSM, transgenders and hijras and build the capacity of 200 community-based organisations (CBOs) in 17 states. Pehchān is the Global Fund’s largest single-country grant yet focused on the HIV response for marginalized and underserved sexual minorities.

Pehchān’s CMIS allows the capture of programme activity data from sites across the country in a single secure and centralized environment. The CMIS will track the programme’s core indicators and provide analysis to improve implementation. Data collected will also provide evidence for research and advocacy on issues affecting beneficiary communities.

Over the life of the programme, implementing partners and supported CBOs will be able to use data from Pehchān’s CMIS database to inform and improve programme implementation, management decision-making and resource allocation. Data confidentiality is a priority in the system, and by 2015, Pehchān will have possibly the largest set of data on MSM, transgenders and hijras ever assembled.

James Robertson, Country Director, India HIV/AIDS Alliance, said, “Pehchān strives for excellence by maintaining high standards in programme implementation and by ensuring accurate and efficient monitoring and reporting of programme activities.

Data from Pehchān’s new CMIS will offer us new insights into how best to respond to the HIV needs of vulnerable MSM, transgender and hijra communities in India.” Pehchān has built a close partnership with India’s National AIDS Control Organisation and State AIDS Control Societies to support the programme’s strategy and align its impact with national priorities. Pehchān is implemented by India HIV/AIDS Alliance and a consortium of partners including Humsafar Trust, Maan AIDS Foundation, SAATHII, Sangama, and SIAAP.

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