Alliance India Reopens Today

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Alliance India announces the opening of its offices today with all precautions in place. We are proud to stand in solidarity with the thousands of field workers and partners across the country who continue their relentless efforts to ensure that no one is left behind in this lockdown situation. We salute their bravery and commitment. So many lives saved, so much more to do. We shall not give up.

Our Chief Executive, Ashim Chowla, who joined us recently said: Opening the office and re-starting our operations as teams will help us streamline our work, inspire confidence, and enables us to reach out with more support than we could from our homes. We also need to remind ourselves of the privileges we enjoy during the national lockdown and how important it is for us, as a civil society organisation, to stand shoulder to shoulder with those who make miracles happen every day.

Ashim rode on his motorcycle all the way from Hyderabad, to join us one day before the lockdown, a distance of 1600 kilometres. It is his first day in the office.

It was important for me to join the team their effort during this crisis and I am so glad that I could be part of this massive response that Alliance India has mounted to address the issues of marginalised people we work with, despite the national lockdown.”, Ashim added.

Dr Rita Prasad, Director Programmes spoke about the need to ensure that gains made by Alliance India in the HIV response are sustained. Re-starting work from the office and stepping on the gas pedal once again, whilst maintaining all precautions from staff health and wellbeing, are paramount.

“We cannot afford to step back now, especially in this crisis which has exacerbated the problems faced by key populations and marginalised communities.”, Dr Rita said.  

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