Find your way at AIDS 2012 with Alliance India’s roadmap!

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Take a look at India HIV/AIDS Alliance’s AIDS 2012 roadmap! You are cordially invited to attend each and every one of our sessions to learn more about our work in India to improve the AIDS response for communities most affected by the epidemic: MSM and transgenders; PLHIV; female sex workers; and people who use drugs. Our commitment is to make sure the voices of these communities are heard at AIDS 2012 and beyond.
Alliance India staff, trustees and representatives from our partner organisations will participate in a range of panel discussions, oral poster sessions, poster presentations, satellite sessions and a press conference. The roadmap gives more details including timing and location of all sessions. We look forward to sharing with you what we’re doing in India to turn the tide against the epidemic.
Over the course of AIDS2012, Alliance India will present 18 posters detailing our work. Our posters highlight our experiences in a wide variety of areas, including: mobilizing female sex workers to increase STI service utilization; findings from our baseline study on women who inject drugs; recommendations on reaching MSM and transgenders in SRH and HIV integration; and more!  The roadmap contains a full list of posters we will exhibit. You can also pick up material about our work at the Alliance exhibition booth #102.
In addition to this comprehensive roadmap, we have also created more specific session summaries highlighting our work with each key population. You can view them here:
Sessions on MSM and Transgenders
Sessions on PLHIV
Sessions on sex workers
Sessions on people who use drugs
If you have any questions, please contact us at We hope to see you at AIDS 2012!

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