Five Priorities: Alliance India at ICAAP (November 20, 2013, Bangkok, Thailand)

Home > Resources > The Latest > Five Priorities: Alliance India at ICAAP (November 20, 2013, Bangkok, Thailand)

India HIV/AIDS Alliance puts particular emphasis on five priority populations: men who have sex with men: transgenders & hijras; sex workers; people who inject drugs; and people living with HIV. Today at the 11th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP 11) in Bangkok, Thailand, we have five sessions that showcase some of our work with key populations. If you are attending, please join us.

Skills Building Workshops:

Me and My Partner’ – A Community-Based Skill Building Training on Positive Prevention for Key Populations

Nov. 20, 1:15-4:15pm, Hall P

Equal Access/Equal Rights: Empowering Transgender Communities through Advocacy, Mobilization, and Capacity Building under the Pehchan Program

Nov. 20, 4:15-7:15 pm, Hall K

Oral Presentations:

  • Reaching the Hard-to-Reach: Engagement & Facilitation as Research Strategies with Sexual Minorities: Nov. 20, 3:45-5:15pm, Hall H
  • Building Capacity of MSM & TG CBOs to Partner with Government HIV Prevention Interventions in India: Nov. 20, 3:45-5:15pm, Hall H

Press Conference:

  • Engagement & Facilitation as Research Strategies with Sexual Minorities: Nov. 20, 2-3pm, Press Conference Room

Please download our roadmap of sessions at ICAAP that include Alliance India team members or discussions of our work. It includes a full list of our 31 posters describing our responses to a range of key priorities in India’s epidemic. Please also visit our Community Booth (#C3) to learn more about our work.

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