Alliance India Prepares for Departure of CEO

New Delhi — India HIV/AIDS Alliance today announced that Chief Executive Officer James Robertson has notified the Board of Directors that he plans to step down by July, concluding six years in the role. The Board has initiated the process of appointing a search committee to identify Robertson’s successor, and an executive search firm will assist in the recruitment.

“During his tenure, James has provided strong direction and courageous leadership for Alliance India. He leaves the organisation more focused, effective and secure, and we’re grateful for his years of service,” said Prasada Rao, Board Chair and United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Asia-Pacific. “We appreciate James’s early notification which will allow us to undertake a thoughtful and planned leadership transition before his departure this summer.”

Robertson joined Alliance India in August 2010, when the organisation had 60 employees, collaborated with about 100 organisations in six states, and reached 65,000 clients. Following a period of strategic expansion, Alliance India today has 90 employees, works in 32 states and territories, collaborates with nearly 700 organisations, and reaches more than one million registered clients with services provided through an extensive portfolio of programmes.

“I have been fortunate to lead this organisation through a time of unprecedented growth. Working closely with affected communities across India, we have been able to dramatically expand our reach and impact in prevention, care and support,” said Robertson. “We receive immense support from the community, the government, and our many partners, and I am confident that India will continue to build on its remarkable HIV response. It has been a great honour to have been part of it.”

Growth during Robertson’s tenure was fuelled by the addition of two major programmes supported by the Global Fund: Pehchan, which expanded HIV prevention services for men who have sex with men and transgender communities; and Vihaan, which has developed care & support services for people living with HIV across India. Other funding for Alliance India’s work has been provided by CDC/PEPFAR, Government of the Netherlands, MAC AIDS Fund, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, European Union, Elton John AIDS Foundation, and USAID/PEPFAR.

For further details, please contact Nirnita Talukdar (; 098-1883-3021).

About India HIV/AIDS Alliance: Founded in 1999, India HIV/AIDS Alliance is a non-governmental organisation incorporated as a Section 8 Company (not-for-profit) and fully governed in India. Alliance India operates in partnership with civil society, government and communities to support sustained responses to HIV in India that protect rights and improve health. Complementing the Indian national programme, we build capacity, provide technical support and advocate to strengthen the delivery of effective, innovative, community-based HIV programmes to vulnerable populations affected by the epidemic. For more information, please visit

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