“Is it a sin to be born a hijra?” Transgenders fight for civil rights in New Delhi

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Members of the transgender community attended a public hearing in New Delhi to demand access to social inclusion and justice. Alliance India’s Simran Shaikh was present at the public hearing and spoke up about the discrimination and violence that is commonly experienced by community members. Her quote can be read in the article published in the Tribune.
In addition to voicing their anger at the abuse they face by members of the police force and other forms of institutionalised discrimination, transgender community members also stated their desire to be legally recognised as a third gender with entitlements which included the right to property and inheritance. The Hindu quoted rights activist and writer, Priya Babu, as saying that unless the transgender community was accorded a legal identity, “we are not going to win the battle against marginalisation, stigma and discrimination.” You can read the article published in the Hindu here.
A positive outcome of the public hearing was marked by former Delhi High Court Chief Justice, A.P. Shah’s, recommendation that the government offer legal recognition to the transgender community and initiate welfare schemes for them. He also recommended that every State Government follow Tamil Nadu’s lead by establishing a Transgender Welfare Board and Transgender Commission to protect the human rights of community members.

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