Join Alliance India Sessions on Wednesday, July 25 at AIDS 2012

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India HIV/AIDS Alliance has lined up an action packed day for you today (Wednesday 25 July) at the International AIDS conference, you are cordially invited to attend all our sessions to learn more about our work in India to improve the AIDS response for communities most affected by the epidemic. Our commitment is to make sure the voices of these communities are heard at AIDS 2012 and beyond.
Our sessions today range from a panel discussion to oral presentations and poster exhibits, and highlight our experiences in a wide variety of areas, including reaching key populations in SRH/HIV integration; addressing the unmet sexual and reproductive health and rights of people living with HIV; mobilizing female sex workers to increase STI service utilization; findings from our baseline study on people who inject drugs and why we should support the decriminalisation of drug use; and more!
Panel Discussion
Criminalise Hate Not HIV: Why the HIV/AIDS community should support the decriminalisation of drug use.
Organised by INPUD, HRI, IPPF, IFRC and the Alliance, this panel is chaired by Prasada Rao, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for HIV in Asia and the Pacific and an Alliance Trustee.                                                                                              Wednesday, July 25, Global Village Harm Reduction Zone, 11:00am-12:00 noon
Oral Presentation                                                                                                   

Reaching Key Populations in SRH/HIV integration: Recommendations from a global intervention review to identify strategies to increase the responsiveness and relevance of integrated programming to the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) needs of high-risk groups, including sex workers, MSM, transgenders, IDUs and PLHIV Session Title: Expanding Covering and Quality: Approaches to Scaling-Up, Mini Room 3,  1:00-2:00pm 

Addressing the unmet sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of people living with HIV (PLHIV): The results from a baseline study in four states in India.                                                                                                                                Session Title: Expanding Covering and Quality: Approaches to Scaling-Up, Mini Room 3, 1:00-2:00pm 
Poster Exhibition                                                                                                        Wednesday, July 25, Exhibition Hall, Level 2

Beyond Heroin: Patterns of drug choice diversity among People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) in three Indian states: Findings from the Hridaya baseline study.

Identifying quality-of-life priorities for People Who Inject Drugs (PWID): Findings from the Hridaya baseline study in three Indian states.
What’s harming harm reduction? Reducing HIV vulnerability among women who inject drugs in South Asia.    
Reaching people who use drugs (PWUD) in SRH/HIV integration: Recommendations from a global intervention review to identify strategies to increase the responsiveness    

Public private partnership as a sustainable model for STI service delivery: Evidence from Avahan-supported interventions in Andhra Pradesh, India                        
The roadmap contains a full list of posters being exhibited. You can also pick up material about our work at the Alliance exhibition booth #102. If you have any questions, please contact us at

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