Largest Global Fund grant for HIV prevention programming with MSM, hijra and transgender communities signed

New Delhi: Professor Michel Kazatchkine, Executive Director of the Global Fund to
Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, signed a US $25 million grant (115 crore rupees) with
India HIV/AIDS Alliance, the largest Global Fund grant to date to strengthen men who have sex
with men (MSM), hijra and transgender communities in their fight against HIV.

The signing ceremony was held under the auspices of K. Chandramouli, Secretary and Director General of National AIDS Control Organisation, in their office at New Delhi. Investing in the health of populations at risk of HIV infection has been a high priority for India. The national HIV prevalence among MSM is estimated at 7.41%. This has been attributed to low awareness levels, unsafe sexual practices, inadequate services, and social marginalisation.

Professor Kazatchkine observed, “This work is of great importance, involving civil society
working with marginalised groups and linking these populations to government systems.”
This new five-year grant will support 200 community-based organisations in 17 states and reach
more than 450,000 MSM, hijras and transgenders. The project will be implemented by India
HIV/AIDS Alliance and six regional partners that have pioneered HIV programming for these

India HIV/AIDS Alliance is a non-government organisation (NGO) that supports communities to
reduce the spread of HIV and to meet the challenges of AIDS. Since its inception in 1999,
Alliance India has been a leader in fostering the development of community-driven approaches
to HIV prevention, care and support.

James Robertson, Country Director of India HIV/AIDS Alliance added, “The Global Fund has
been a major partner in supporting India’s response to the HIV epidemic. This new grant reflects
the strong commitment of both the Global Fund and the Indian Government to address HIV in
those communities most vulnerable to infection.”

MSM, hijra and transgender communities have been making steady progress in fighting HIV,
and this new grant will contribute significantly to these efforts.

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