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PrEP preparedness for transgender population in India(2016-2018)

With the objective to increase awareness and access to Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for transgender and hijra communities as a service within combination prevention, Prayas (meaning attempt) project was implemented in November 2016 till December 2018. The project was supported by ViiV Health Care Foundation and implemented in six states with local partners – Shaan Foundation in Punjab, Lakshya Trust in Gujarat, Alliance Hyderabad in Telangana, Sangama in Karnataka, Amitie Trust in West Bengal and Basera Samaji Sansthanin Delhi. The project also emphasizes on building the capacities of TGH community to advocate for PrEP as part of the service delivery package of HIV prevention programme of the government of India. To accomplish this, the project made efforts to influence the government to develop and formulate policies to adopt the WHO recommendation of PrEP in the context of Test and Treat to reach the global goal of 90-90-90.

LINKAGES (2018-2019)


Nirantar 2014 -2018
