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Sampoorna – Capacity Building of Health Workers to Integrate HIV and SRH Services

Creating a scalable model of Sexual Reproductive Health -HIV services integration in the state of Gujarat Sampoorna Project is implemented in nine priority districts of Gujarat (Ahmedabad, Surat, Sabarkatha, Banaskatha, Vadodara, Chota Udaipur, Aravali, Kheda and Anand) focusing on creating viable ecosystems to strengthen HIV–SRH at service delivery and community level. Supported by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the project was rolled out in April 2020 for the project cycle 2020-2022. In the wake of COVID-19 outbreak, the project has included COVID-19 response to address the access gaps in ART medications and reproductive health products along with mental health counselling for PLHIV and high-risk groups. The field staff include outreach workers of Care and Support Centres ( CSCs), Targeted Interventions ( TIs), Link Workers Scheme ( LWS), frontline workers of National Health Mission – ASHA and ANM.   A number of studies have generated evidence indicating that SRH and HIV issues are intertwined. However, both these programmes work in parallel without concrete collaborations. The project aims to bridge the gaps between SRH & HIV and work towards integrated training, service provision and counselling for holistic (Sampoorna) health response to our communities. This will improve access to information and risk perception, improve continuity of care, and reduce the cost of services and would also lead to improved client-health worker relationships. Moreover, SRH needs of the key population – women in sex work (WISW) and transgender (TGs) seeking reproductive and sexual services are not met due to lack of enabling environment and specific services for them.   The project will demonstrate stronger and sustainable SRH-HIV integration at medical colleges, 70 CHCs & PHCs and also at the state level. Larger advocacy framework of this programme will work towards mainstreaming issues related to stigma and discrimination, gender-based violence and community system strengthening. The key strategies will involve; evidence-based advocacy with State AIDS Control organization and NHM, capacity building of medical and paramedical staff with an integrated module on SRH-HIV and capacity building of frontline NHM health workers as well as HIV TI NGOs on delivery of integrated services. The project will also identify and empower community champions for the sustainability of the project. Furthermore, the district mentors will supervise and facilitate the continuation of essential SRH-HIV services among women, adolescents, key populations and PLHIV.

Wajood – SRH Services and Crisis Response for Transgender and Hijra


Zero Violence (2020-2021)
