Sneak Preview: Alliance India Sessions, Thursday, July 26 at AIDS 2012

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Our work has received tremendous interest and response with HIV clinicians, researchers, advocates, activists, and others from across the globe. Through the course of AIDS 2012: XIX International AIDS Conference, Alliance India has presented programming experiences highlighting the challenges and successful approaches used in integrated programmes specific to key populations such as MSM and Transgender people, Sex Workers, PLHIV and People Who Use Drugs.
Today, 26 July Alliance India staff and trustees are participating in a panel discussion, oral session, poster presentations, satellite session and a press conference. The roadmap gives more details including timing and location of all these sessions. Don’t miss our sessions! We look forward to sharing with you what we’re doing in India to turn the tide against the epidemic.
Satellite session
How Can Civil Society Measure Value for Money and Prove Their Worth?          Mini Room 10, 7:00-8:30am
The session is organised by Alliance and the World Bank. The panel will discuss on the increasing importance to demonstrate aid effectiveness and value for money. It will include India HIV/AIDS Alliance’s Kaushik Biswas, Manager for Monitoring and Evaluation, for a complete overview of session visit here.
Oral Session
Internalized homophobia and transphobia, low self-esteem and non-disclosure of sexual identity as factors contributing to HIV vulnerability of men who have sex with men (MSM), transgenders and hijras: Experience from the Global Fund supported Pehchān                                                                                                  Session Title: MSM: The Impact of Internal and External Stigma on a Personal and Social Level, Session Room 8, 2:30-4:00pm
Panel Discussion
On the Edge of the Cliff: Debating the Challenges of the Response
The panel discussion will include India HIV/AIDS Alliance’s Charanjit Sharma, Program Manager for Hridaya, the Community Action on Harm Reduction (CAHR) program in India.                                                                                                                       Regional Session: Asia and the Pacific Thursday, July 26, Session Room 5, 2:40pm-4:00pm
Poster Exhibition

Reaching men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgenders in SRHR/HIV Integration: Recommendations from a global intervention review to identify strategies to increase the responsiveness and relevance of integrated programming to address SRHR needs of high-risk groups        
Mobilizing community collectivization among female sex workers (FSWs) to promote STI service utilization from the government health care system: Experience from Avahan in Andhra Pradesh, India
Strengthening case finding through verbal TB screening among most at risk populations in concentrated epidemics: Experience from Avahan in Andhra Pradesh, India
Combination Collaboration: Leveraging government commitment, donor processes and community mobilization to develop a national program to build the capacity of MSM and transgender populations as HIV prevention partners: Making the Global Fund-supported Pehchan program in India
Thursday, July 26, Exhibition Hall, Level 2
Press Conference
Turning the Tide: Addressing SRH Needs of Key Populations in AIDS Programs   Media Center Press Conference Room 2, 3:30-4:00pm
Over the course of AIDS2012, Alliance India has presented 18 posters detailing our work. You can view or download them through our blog page. Come visit and know more about Alliance’s work at the exhibition booth #102. If you have any questions, please contact us at

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