Join us for the World AIDS Day All-India Run & Cultural Event! (Sunday, 2 December 2012 in New Delhi)

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World AIDS Day 2012 All-India Run and Cultural Event
***8am-2pm (***PLEASE note EARLIER starting time!)
Sunday, 2 December 2012

New Delhi
Organized by: India HIV/AIDS Alliance
Co-sponsored by: Population Council; Citibank; UNDP; Centre for Advocacy & Research (CFAR); Delhi Frontrunners; and Blind Relief Association
RSVP: Please let us know if you’ll join us. Click here!
All-India Run: Participants will include people affected by the epidemic, their friends and families, community members, students and other stakeholders motivated to raise awareness of HIV in India, including the private sector. At least 500 participants are expected to participate in the run, and medals will be awarded to the top finishers in the men’s, women’s and transgender categories.
Members of affected communities have also been invited to speak and serve as judges for the run. Representatives from a range of stakeholders have also been invited, including NACO, UN agencies, international donors and NGOs, along with Alliance India implementing partners and beneficiary communities from all over India.
Activities will begin at 8am at Safdarjung Tomb. The run will start around 9am and will follow Lodhi Road, ending at the Blind Relief Association (aka Delhi Blind School), near the Oberoi Hotel. The Cultural Event will take place immediately following the race on the ground of Delhi Blind School and will last until 2pm. (For detailed route information, please see map below.)

Starting Line:
Safdarjang Tomb, Lodi Estate
(At the intersection of Safdarjang Road and Aurobindo Marg)

Metro Station: Jor Bagh

Finish Line:
Blind Relief Association (aka Delhi Blind School)
Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg
Lodhi Road H.O.

(Near Oberoi Hotel)

Cultural Event: Immediately following the run, the Cultural Event will take place at Delhi Blind School. Celebrating life and creativity in the face of the epidemic, the cultural event will consist of music and drama performances. The jazz and rock bands invited have members from communities affected by the epidemic. Co-sponsor Population Council will organize a skit presentation between music acts to highlight issues of at-risk populations. Lunch will be available. In addition, stalls will be set up by sponsors and other national and international organisations, including Population Council, Citibank, and UNDP, to present their work addressing HIV/AIDS and supporting communities.
This event is open to the public. There is no fee for participation. Participants are encouraged to wear red or white, but all will be welcomed. 
Jamia Millia Islamia, Indira Gandhi National Open University, Bhim Rao Ambedkar College, and Amity University are collaborating with Alliance India to provide volunteers for the event and organise student participation.
If you have any questions, please email us at:
Poster: Help get the word out about this event. Print out our poster and display it in your community. Thanks!

Map of World AIDS Day All-India Run Route and Cultural Event Location



Alliance India’s World AIDS Day 2012 Objectives
  • To raise awareness on the need for continued support to address HIV among high-risk groups
  • To celebrate the diversity of affected communities with a focus on living lives free from stigma and discrimination
  • To acknowledge and encourage stakeholders, including government, civil society and the private sector, to intensify efforts to ensure a continuum of care services for affected communities
India HIV/AIDS Alliance

Based in New Delhi, Alliance India was founded in 1999 as a non-governmental organization operating partnership with civil society and communities to support sustained responses to HIV in India. Complementing the Indian national program, Alliance India works through capacity building, technical support and advocacy to strengthen delivery of effective, innovative, community- based interventions to key populations affected by the epidemic. The organization’s programs focus on those most vulnerable to HIV, with a particular emphasis on marginalized populations, such as men who have sex with men, people who use drugs, transgenders, and sex workers.

World AIDS Day Background

World AIDS Day has been observed since 1988. HIV/AIDS has become one of the defining health and development issues of our time. Low- and middle-income nations, even those with increasingly powerful economies like India, still face serious shortfalls in resources for AIDS. Stigma and discrimination toward those affected by the epidemic continue to create significant barriers to effective responses. Two-thirds of those who require antiretroviral treatment to live healthy lives still do not have access to these life-saving drugs. Investment in programming for high-risk populations such as men who have sex with men, sex workers, people who use drugs, and transgenders continue to be grossly insufficient. Worldwide HIV has infected an estimated 34 million people. In India, the National AIDS Control Organisation estimates overall adult HIV prevalence at 0.31%, which translates into roughly 2.4 million people living with HIV in India.

2012 Global Theme for World AIDS Day

The theme for World AIDS Day as chosen by UNAIDS and its partners is Getting to Zero: Zero New HIV Infections, Zero Discrimination and Zero AIDS Related Deaths. World AIDS Day advocacy will focus on ensuring universal access to services including prevention, care, support and treatment and of fulfilling human rights.

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