World TB Day 2014: New poster campaign to increase awareness among PLHIV of TB co-infection (English version)

Home > Resources > The Latest > World TB Day 2014: New poster campaign to increase awareness among PLHIV of TB co-infection (English version)

March 24 is World TB Day. Tuberculosis (TB) is a major concern for people living with HIV (PLHIV) as their impaired immune systems make them particularly vulnerable to the disease. Providing the right care & support to PLHIV with TB co-infection remains a priority to reduce related morbidity and mortality.

With support from the Global Fund, our Vihaan programme is launching a national campaign on March 24, World TB Day 2014, to increase TB testing and treatment among vulnerable PLHIV. Under the campaign, Vihaan Care & Support Centres (CSCs) will launch posters and organise TB/HIV co-infection awareness activities for clients across the country. A look at the posters launched today:

Poster: Promoting early testing of TB among PLHIV

Poster: Encouraging adherence to TB treatment among PLHIV

Poster: Encouraging completion of DOTS for TB treatment among PLHIV

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