Author asaxena


BlogA New Dawn

Transgender people across the globe are underserved on the issues of health, social wellbeing, economic empowerment, inclusion and on various other structural barriers. Presently, I am attending global meeting on […]Read More

UncategorizedHow far have we come?

“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” ― Andy Warhol, The Philosophy of Andy Warhol “The face of the young woman was covered […]Read More

BlogA perfect stitch

Story of Karunamayee, 19 year old girl, who surpassed all odds Karunamayee, 19 years old and a resident of Balasore, Odisha owns an apparel designing business and also happens to […]Read More

BlogUnchain me!

Story of Babi from Seelampur (North-East Delhi) Babi, an 18 year old girl, lives with her family in the streets of North-East Delhi. Since Babi was a toddler, she has […]Read More

BlogAn ally for life!

Learning about the difference between gender, sex and sexuality has been a long journey for me. Until recently, I struggled with understanding gender and sexual identities, and how they are […]Read More

BlogTo be or to BE criminalised?

       The tug of war between legality and illegality that tears them apart Hamlet’s dilemma was whether he should continue to keep living his tormented life in silence, or give […]Read More

BlogMy name is today !

India is one of six countries that is home to half of the world’s population of young people living with HIV aged 15-19 years old. Young people make up only […]Read More


The morning coffee just smells perfect in the backdrop of Delhi’s untimely rainy showers in a still pleasantly warm April 2018. The newspaper reads: “Delhi University student’s murder: Ayush, Ishtiyaq […]Read More

Blog, UncategorizedWorld Health Day

#HealthForAll Every Child Matters It was a cold New Year’s Eve. I was cramped between an eight-month-old infant and her 5-year-old brother, acquainted only in the last eight hours, in […]Read More

BlogA feminist perspective

Tuberculosis (TB) is more than mere treatment. TB has a human face which I realized when I myself went through it twice in my life. More so now, as I […]Read More

BlogLight at the end of the tunnel

Despite the landmark NALSA judgement passed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, wherein transgenders are to be recognized as the ‘third gender’, they are discriminated by the society. However, […]Read More

BlogGirls Make Future Bright!

National Girl Child Day is observed on 24th of January every year with the objective of promoting awareness on gender discrimination and ensure more opportunities for girls in the country. […]Read More


Just a day before ‘International Transgender Remembrance Day’, on 19 November 2017, a tragic news slashed in major news media demonstrating ‘lack of political will’ of the Government on responding […]Read More

BlogWhy I chose to be a Mentor!

It was the year 2004, I was sitting on a bench at the Integrated Counselling and Testing Centre (ICTC) awaiting my test result. The waiting period seemed longer than usual. […]Read More

BlogAn unsung hero

True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost. -Arthur Ashe […]Read More

BlogThe girl child

In her twinkling eyes Shines the promises of a better tomorrow In her tiny toes A million adventures, wait to be undertaken In her fingertips Countless stories and poems, yet […]Read More

Action, BlogShatter the Silence

Rapes and physical assaults faced by transgenders and hijras are more common than one would like to admit, especially in a country like India wherein patriarchal norms and machismo idea […]Read More

Action, BlogA Day to Remember

On my recent visit to Alliance India, two of my colleagues, Abhina and Mona, kindly took time out of their busy schedules to introduce me to two community-based organizations (CBOs) […]Read More