

Action Project (2010-2013)

Improving sexual & reproductive health of young people, including young key populations, through advocacy and peer support In a region where taboos prevent open discussions about sex, the Action Project […]Read More

Koshish – 2011-2014

Supporting advocacy to improve sexual & reproductive health of people living with HIV and key populations. Funded by the European Union, the programme strengthened civil society organisations and networks that represent […]Read More

Ahavan (2004-2014)

Mobilising communities to improve HIV prevention and STI control in female sex workers, MSM, and transgender people  Avahan India AIDS Initiative was a focused prevention initiative funded by the Bill & […]Read More

Abhaya (2013-2014)

Enhancing access to sexual & reproductive health services for female sex workers.  Evidence, both global and national, has shown that linking HIV and SRH services provide a valuable impetus to […]Read More

Pehchan (2010 – 2015

Strengthening capacity in MSM, transgender and hijra communities to improve HIV prevention impact.  Pehchan programme strengthened and built the capacity of 200 community-based organisations (CBOs) to provide effective, inclusive and […]Read More

Nirantar 2014 -2018

Developing capacity in civil society organisations to improve access to HIV services and reduce vulnerability among key populations.  Supported by a grant from the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention under PEPFAR’s Local Capacity […]Read More

LINKAGES (2018-2019)

Creating stronger linkages towards HIV prevention services for unreached key populations and reducing structural barriers to improving access to health   Building on the years of experience of closely working […]Read More


Comprehensive sexual reproductive health services to women in sex work for retaining women in HIV care Ujwala project was designed based on the programme learnings of the Abhaya project that […]Read More

Zero Violence (2020-2021)

Responding to gender-based violence among female sex worker and transgender during COVID-19 times Zero Violence – building and strengthening sustainable legal capacity to address and reduce violence and discrimination against […]Read More